Do I have to register to view the content?
Yes, registration is required. You can register quickly with Facebook, Google or fill out the form.
If I don't want to be a creator, can I register?
Yes you can, when you create an account on MaybeStars you start as a viewer, this will allow you to enjoy the content, then if you want to be a creator you just have to verify your account.
How do I become a content creator?
After registering, go to the menu and click on Be a creator! and follow the instructions to verify your identity.
How much is the commission % of the platform?
The platform has a 15% commission for each transaction.
Do you charge commission for balance withdrawals?
We do not charge a withdrawal fee, but it is possible that the payment method you choose may charge a fee.
What content can I publish?
You can publish any type of content (photos, videos, audios, zip files and live streaming) including adult material as long as it does not violate our service policies.
How and when do I get paid?
Payments will be deposited within 7 working days of receipt of request. Minimum amount to request a withdrawal is $50.00 and maximum $5000.00 dollars.
What can I do with the money I have in Balance and/or Wallet?
If you have money in Balance you can request a cash withdrawal through Paypal or Western Union. The money in the Wallet is used to consume any blocked content and give tips within the platform.
Yes, registration is required. You can register quickly with Facebook, Google or fill out the form.
If I don't want to be a creator, can I register?
Yes you can, when you create an account on MaybeStars you start as a viewer, this will allow you to enjoy the content, then if you want to be a creator you just have to verify your account.
How do I become a content creator?
After registering, go to the menu and click on Be a creator! and follow the instructions to verify your identity.
How much is the commission % of the platform?
The platform has a 15% commission for each transaction.
Do you charge commission for balance withdrawals?
We do not charge a withdrawal fee, but it is possible that the payment method you choose may charge a fee.
What content can I publish?
You can publish any type of content (photos, videos, audios, zip files and live streaming) including adult material as long as it does not violate our service policies.
How and when do I get paid?
Payments will be deposited within 7 working days of receipt of request. Minimum amount to request a withdrawal is $50.00 and maximum $5000.00 dollars.
What can I do with the money I have in Balance and/or Wallet?
If you have money in Balance you can request a cash withdrawal through Paypal or Western Union. The money in the Wallet is used to consume any blocked content and give tips within the platform.
© 2024 MaybeStars | Apoyando a creadores de contenido, All rights reserved.